We all know the relief of a breeze hitting our sweaty skin on a hot day, instantly cooling us down. That is evaporative cooling - a natural process we experience firsthand.
But here's a fun fact: this process isn't limited to just us humans; it can also be a game-changer in keeping your greenhouse cool. By understanding and using evaporative cooling, you can naturally and efficiently create a more comfortable home for your plants.
Let's dive into the world of evaporative cooling and discover how it can benefit your greenhouse.
Understanding How Evaporative Cooling Works
Have you ever felt chilly stepping out of a pool on a hot day? That's because when water evaporates, it takes away heat. This idea is behind "Swamp Coolers" or "Wet Walls," which are actually systems that use evaporative cooling.
Here's how they work:
These cooling systems have cellulose pads, like big sponges, soaked in water. As outside air gets pulled in by fans, it passes through these wet pads. As the water in the pads evaporates, the air cools down.
Water drips over these pads from the top, ensuring every part gets wet. Any extra water that doesn't get used collects at the bottom and is pumped back up to be used again. And if the system needs more water, there's a pump and valve ready to add it.
These pads can come in different sizes. Some are as wide as a foot and can be between 2 to 6 feet tall. And if you need something even taller, you can stack them up or get custom sizes!
So, next time you feel that cooling sensation after a swim, remember: that's the same trick these cooling systems use to keep spaces cool!
The Power of Evaporative Cooling

Do you know that you can make your space much cooler with an evaporative cooling system? You can lower the temperature by 10 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit depending on where you live! In really dry and hot places, like parts of Phoenix, you might get closer to that 25-degree drop, especially when it's a scorching 110 degrees outside.
However, you will see less of a difference if you're somewhere humid. Why? Well, air can only soak up so much water. The cooling system doesn't work as effectively in places with high humidity. So, don't expect a huge temperature change on those super hot and sticky days. It's just how science works!
How to Find the Perfect Size and Maximize Your Cooling System
Wondering how to get the perfect size for your greenhouse cooling system? Follow these steps:
Measure Up: First, figure out the total cubic footage of your greenhouse. Remember, we're talking about cubic footage, not just square footage!
Pads Matter: Want to know how many 6-inch-thick pads you'll need? Divide your cubic footage by 375. If you're considering 4-inch pads, divide by 250 instead.
Fan Power: The number of fans and their size also depend on the cubic footage of your greenhouse. A good rule is to aim for one air change every minute. In simpler terms, the total fan power (measured in CFM or Cubic Feet per Minute) should match the cubic footage of your greenhouse.
Seal It Tight: Lastly, make sure there are no unnecessary openings in your greenhouse. Even an open door can mess up the cooling because it disrupts the airflow through the pads. The more sealed your greenhouse, the better your system will work.
Keep these steps in mind, and you'll have a cooling system that works just right!
How to Make the Most of Your Cooling System: Top Tips
Getting the best out of your cooling system isn't hard, but it does require regular upkeep. Here are the top guidelines to follow to ensure it operates at its best:
Daily Dry-Out: Make sure to dry out your pads at least once every 24 hours to keep them in top condition.
Spot Checks: Regularly check your pads for any dry areas; this could indicate a blocked spray pipe.
Chemical Cleaners: Reach out to your pad manufacturer to determine which chemical cleaners are safe to use.
Water Quality: Maintain a pH level between 6 and 8 to preserve the cellulose resin in your pads and extend their lifespan.
Weekly Maintenance: Set aside time every week to clean the filters and inspect the pump for any debris lurking there.
System Flush: Every 4 to 6 weeks, give your system a complete flush to avoid any issues down the line.
Water Management: To prevent mineral buildup that can hinder efficiency, bleed off 3-5% of the system's water daily. This helps prevent the minerals from accumulating on the pads and clogging the spray pipe's emitter holes.
By following these tips regularly, you'll ensure your cooling system has a long and productive life, working at its best when you need it most!
Curious about how evaporative cooling can give your greenhouse a boost? Explore our range of products and reach out to us. We're here to help you find the perfect system for your needs!