When it comes to regulating the climate in greenhouses, the right kind of ventilation is essential. The choice of fans and their placement can make a huge difference, depending on your unique setting. If you are new to the world of greenhouse ventilation, here are some of the ins and outs you should know.
The Basics: Horizontal Air Flow
Think of horizontal circulation as a gentle breeze wafting above your plants. Powerful fans propel this air. This air travels a great distance, making it especially suitable for vast greenhouses. These greenhouses might experience varying temperatures and humidity levels. But how do these fans work in practice? There are two main ways:
Parallel Ventilation: The Older Method
Imagine several fans hanging side by side, starting from the center aisle of your greenhouse. They push air across the plants, sending it to the walls. When the air reaches these walls, it takes a downward turn, moving at the roots, and then circles back to the starting point. It's like a big, invisible loop. This method of ventilation is best suited for taller crops. However, this once-popular method is less common nowadays.
Series Ventilation: The Modern Approach
Series ventilation is like a relay race but for air circulation. Fans line up one after another, taking turns moving the air around the greenhouse. It's like a continuous loop with fans helping one another. This setup is particularly effective for greenhouses with shorter plants as this ensures uniform air across all greens.
Keeping the climate just right in a greenhouse isn't as simple as it sounds. It's about getting the air to move right and picking the best fans for the job. But what are the options for moving air in a greenhouse? Let's take a look!
The Upward and Even: Vertical Air Flow
Think of a fan pulling up air from the ground and gently spreading it all over the plants, just like a soft cover. That's what vertical circulation does. The air flows through the plants, ensuring everything's moist and warm.
Mastering Vertical Circulation
If you're looking for the perfect solution to vertical circulation in greenhouses, look at the wide range of greenhouse ventilation products. You might be wondering what makes them stand out? Here's what they do:
They keep the temperature consistent. Say goodbye to temperature changes, whether cooling screens or heating lamps cause them.
- They dig deep into growing crops. This means the air flows smoothly, even through taller plants.
- They offer an active and healthy microclimate right around every plant.
- They ensure a broad and even air movement across a vast area.
- They bring down the heat. Whether it's the sun or lamps, the heat is moved downward efficiently.
- They save energy big time! It moves the air without building up pressure, meaning you need less energy for every bit of air it circulates.
- They handle disruptions like a champ. If there's a hiccup somewhere in the greenhouse, the rest of the space won't feel it much.
- And the icing on the cake? With the proper setup and enough overlap between the fans, it not only levels out vertical temperatures but also gives a slight nudge for horizontal balance.
The 123s of Greenhouse Air Circulation
Getting the optimum airflow in a greenhouse needs some nifty techniques. Here are some tips and tricks you don't want to miss.
Poly Air Tubes: Root-Level Magic
Poly air tubes, typically installed under the plant gutter, present a particular method for air circulation. Upon inflating these tubes with a fan, air encircles plant roots through strategically placed holes. This smart approach zeroes in on creating a specialized microclimate right where it matters—at the roots.
The Necessity of Ventilation in Warm Climates
If you're in a warm place, greenhouse air needs extra attention. In these hot spots, tools like pad cooling or nozzle cooling help keep things cool by using water. But here's the catch: when water evaporates, it cools the air but adds humidity.
However, fret not because you have fans to the rescue! They take out that moist air and pull in dry air from outside.
Many greenhouses don't just rely on ventilation; they also have a circulation system. Why? Because sometimes you don't want fresh air from outside, but you still need movement inside. Sometimes, you might need both systems operating at once. This can supercharge the airflow, particularly if the circulation fans bolster the direction of the ventilation fans. And it's not necessarily a bad thing.
However, caution is needed: if horizontal circulation fans counteract the wind direction from the ventilation fans, they could chew through unnecessary energy. And, it's a hard pass on using vertical circulation fans simultaneously with their ventilation counterparts.
Choosing between circulation, ventilation, or a combo depends heavily on the greenhouse's specific needs, and, as we've seen, there's a neat tool belt of options for growers to select from!