Bacterial Soft Rot Prevention With Greenhouse Ventilation
In greenhouse farming, bacterial soft rot is a prevalent illness. Fortunately, growers can utilize various temperature management strategies to minimize bacterial soft rot outbreaks.
Bacterial soft rot is a widespread illness in the food industry. Indeed, it is claimed to inflict the highest crop loss of any bacterial disease on a global scale.
It has an impact on greenhouse and indoor cultivation, as well as outdoor cultivation. It also affects many crops, such as carrots, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes.
What Exactly Is Bacterial Soft Rot?
Bacterial soft rot refers to a group of bacteria-related disorders. Pectobacterium carotovorum is the bacteria that causes the sickness (formerly known as Erwinia carotovora).
Soft rot bacteria attack succulent plant components such as fruit, stems, and bulbs. It harms the chemicals that connect plant cells, eventually causing them to fall apart.
Bacterial soft rot refers to a group of disorders. Some of them are crop-specific, such as 'beet vascular necrosis' and 'blackleg' of potatoes.
Identifying Bacterial Soft Rot Symptoms
Mushy rot infections manifest as soft, recessed areas on the plant's flesh. The patches increase over time and might range from cream to black.
Soft rot starts out odorless. However, as the bacteria breaks down and decays the plant's tissue, it acquires a nasty odor.
Soft Rot: What Causes It?
The bacteria P. carotovorum (or Erwinia carotovora) can be found anywhere. They can be found all over the world in soil and water.
These bacteria can enter your plants in a variety of ways. They can enter through wounds in the plant's flesh, through insects, or the soil. Infected seeds may even cause problems for some gardeners.
Bacterial soft rot can grow at nearly any temperature. However, it is far more common in rainy environments. One of the major causes of soft rot diseases is the presence of free water.
Bacterial Soft Rot Prevention
It is challenging to avoid the presence of this bacterium. However, you may prevent it from infecting, growing, and spreading in your crops by employing the following strategies.
Physical plant protection and climatic control are the two basic strategies for preventing soft rot.
Limiting the Presence of Free Water
Free water is a significant contributor to the development of soft rot. Avoiding the presence of water in a greenhouse or grow room can be difficult, but it is entirely achievable.
To begin, you can boost crop irrigation. Watering from above will generate splashing, allowing water to reach the plant's leaves and other sections.
So, it's better to irrigate directly to the soil, minimize over-watering, and ensure your soil drains efficiently. Soft rot infections can be avoided by using these simple procedures.
Making Use of Dehumidification
Humidity is the second most prevalent way water enters the greenhouse.
Moisture-saturated air must eventually lose part of its moisture. Condensation forms on various surfaces, including equipment, machinery, railings, and even plants.
The only way to avoid dew point condensation is to use dehumidifiers to maintain humidity low.
A specific piece of machinery that collects water from the air will keep the environment comfortable and prevent condensation.
Avoiding Plant Damage by Using Clean Tools
The final strategy for preventing bacterial soft rot is straightforward. However, it necessitates focus and proper work habits.
To begin, you should always avoid harming plants. Bacteria can enter through wounds; thus, the more intact your plants are, the more difficult soft rot will find to infect them.
Second, you should always use clean tools. P. carotovorum can travel in a greenhouse by hitching a ride on your equipment. Routine sterilization and cleaning will aid in the prevention of bacteria transport and the reduction of illnesses.
Third, if you come across sick plants, you should eliminate them immediately. The same holds for debris, like falling leaves. Bacterial soft rot bacteria can survive in soil, so avoid burying sick plants!
Controlling conditions and following the greenhouse protocol is essential for preventing bacterial soft rot and other humidity-related diseases.
AutoVent is the premier control system for disease and mold protection in commercial horticulture. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you need additional information on preventing greenhouse infections.